Hey everybody! It's me again. Well, I don't even know where to start. The start of 2017 has been pretty crazy what with all plans being set into motion. So much is changing (for the better!) and happening that it's been pretty difficult for me to slow down.
My parents & lil sister recently left again so it's just me and the grand folks at home. I can finally start blogging little by little. I'm planning out the topics I want to start talking about in my blog. I hope you guys can bare with me as I take my time to ease back into blogging life. I really want this blog to be more than just about makeup. Maybe transitioning into a personal-lifestyle blog will be difficult since I've been a beauty blogger all these years but I think it would make my blog more "me".
Janna Joshelle is a 20-something 90's kid who calls herself Jannie. She grew up watching Nickelodeon and Disney channel shows. She mainly blogs about beauty but is in the process of transitioning to a lifestyle&personal blog soon. Oh and she's also a registered nurse that works in the operating room.
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