
My 2015 "52-Week" Money Challenge!

Last year, this money saving post by Kuripot Pinay went viral and I definitely took notice yet at that time I wasn't too keen on doing any saving up. Definitely a choice I regretted later on. Now that I'm 23 and it's 2015, I've decided to try out the money saving challenge till I encountered a little glitch. 

The challenge was pretty simple. Start saving for the first week at P50 then add the same amount for every week after. At the end, you could save up to P68k! I thought to myself that saving P50 is pretty easy but then having to add fifty to 51 more weeks gets pretty heavy especially for someone like me who still has no stable income (I'm a reliever nurse. No work=no pay.)

If you do the math, I'd have to save P2k per week around the "BER" months. Duele comigo! So I kept looking online for a money challenge that's easier for me to actually accomplish. I then stumbled upon Minimum Compliance's post. She mentions in her post that @emridao (Twitter) came up with the modified table with several options such as saving P20, P30, P40, P50 and P100 per week. You can save at least P27.5k and as much as P137k with this modified table.
 photo 2014-weekly-savings-challenge-emridao-2_zpsfb6f5779.jpg

Then I stumbled upon a table that was even easier. This time it was posted by All I Can Handle. This modification allows people to save on increments of P5! Yes, you end up with only around P6k by December but that's not bad at all... Right? 

 photo Presentation1_zpsb463e6ed.jpg

I've decided to use a P20 per week scheme and I hope to save P27k by December 2015 because I plan on using the money for my thesis expenses. Wish me luck!


  1. Hi Jannie, is it ok if I will print this out?

  2. Thank you Jannie for posting this one :) I'd like to save for Christmas next year :)
    Happy New year by the way!


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