
Mascota De Zamboanga

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Hair & Makeup by : Jannie of Jannieology
Photography by : Sefi Curada
Models : Rima Gaffud (Violet Mascota)
Elle Ibrahim (Gold Mascota)
Location & Mascotas provided by : Empress Usni Sali

"Zamboangueña women claim ownership of the mascota, a formal gown with a fitting bodice, her shoulders draped demurely by a luxuriously embroidered, though stiff, panuelo and fastened at the breast by a brooch or a medal. The skirt tapers down from the waist but continues on to an extended trail called the "cola". The "cola may be held on one hand as the lady walks around, or it may likewise by pinned on the waist or slipped up a cord (belt) that holds the dainty "abanico" or purse. 

Featured in the photos are winning designs previously made by one of Zamboanga's finest designer Usni Sali during the Annual Mascota de Zamboanga competition which aims to preserve the beauty of the Spanish culture deeply rooted in the modern City of Zamboanga." - Sefi C.

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This shoot was another "toughie" but as always, I work perfectly by Sefi's side. He is a great friend and photographer that I'd happily do shoots with him. The mascota is close to my heart because I am from Zamboanga. Call me bias, but hey! It's gorgeous, right?

To all Zamboanga based photographers, maybe one of these days you'd consider working with me as well. I'm always open to concept shoots! Contact me via email : parel.janna@gmail.com or ams me @ 09177230118. To future clients, you may also contact me the same way!

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